Stefano Barattini

Escape from reality


Stefano Barattini  (Milano – Italy) 
Studies: architecture at politecnico in Milan
I started taking pictures in 1979, when I took up traveling. Since then, in my life, photographs and journeys merged together in an indissoluble bound.
I begin my five year cooperation with the magazine Mototurismo in 1990, followed by that with Scooter Magazine, where I published several journey features and some additional articles on the scooter world.
After a pause for reflection, at the time when digital era was coming to life I went back to taking pictures taking advantage of the new technologies available. My focus was still on journeys and especially on Africa.
Architecture (with a special interest for the rationalist period) and the ever growing suburban spaces where human presence is, in my shots, absent most of the times, are themes that I cover periodically.
I’ve been photographing for about 5 years abandoned places with great interest and satisfaction, especially industrial areas.
These places present a unique charm, resulting from lights and shadows, dust, odors and great silence, and most of all from memories. It is indeed such memories, these traces of the past, that I quest and I capture with my camera, getting lost in the surroundings trying to find the appropriate framing and the right light to best represent them.
They are a sort of parallel universe close to us that photography  contributes to bringing back to life for an instant.

Beyond the factory –  22 images (70×50) about abandoned industrial sites in Lombardia, with a small focus on street art into that places.
MILANO – June 19-July 18 at Bookshop Bicocca Franco Angeli
CAMPI BISENZIO (FI) – October 30 2016: Experimental day of Photography at Teatro Dante

African roads –  5 images (70×50) about roads and unpaved roads in Africa.
ROSSANA Foto Festival (CN) – September 29 October 2 2016

African Portraits –  15 images (35×50) in black and white about people in Tanzania, Namibia, Kenya e Ethiopia.
MILANO – January 23-January 19 February 2017 – to Ostello Bello, via Medici 4

Portraits of Dust – 20 images (50×70) about interiors of abandoned villas and palaces in Italy and Europe.
MILANO – April 21-May 18 2017 into Milano Photo Festival at Bookshop Bicocca Franco Angeli

Altars – 15 images (70×50) about abandoned church in Italy and Europe.
Fratta Polesine (Rovigo) – April 22-May 7 in Polesine Fotografia 2017

Lost Values – 10 images (100×70) about abandoned industrial sites in Europe at the official opening of the industrial pole TNC in Alba (Piemonte).
In the Factory are permanent displayed 4 images (200×300) e 3 images (140×200).
ALBA – 23 settembre 2017

Lost Values Extended – 20 images (100×70) about abandoned industrial building.
GORGONZOLA – 26 maggio-10 giugno 2018 into Milano Photo Festival – Palazzo Pirola

Fragments of abandoned Italy – 5 images (70×100 e 50×70) about abandoned places in Italy.
ROMA – March 15 2018 – Organized by the association “Italia Abbandonata” – LUISS University (3 photographers in exposition).
Note Fotografiche – 5 images about abandoned places.
MILANO – March 17/18 2018 – Organized by the group “Note Fotografiche” for Novegro Photo Day.

2015 – Beyond the factory
2017 – Portraits of Dust. Distributed by Hoepli – ISBN: 9786009898060

1° price competition Città di Mortara 2016 – urban exploration theme
1° price portfolio reading into Giornata Sperimentale di fotografia 2016
Code MIA 2017
Mention in portfolio reading – Milano Photo Festival 2017
Porfolio published on Domus Magazine 2017
Finalist of the artistic award 2017 by Cairo Editore
Selected: Malamegi Lab8
Special Mention National Photo Contest Mondovì Photo 2017 “Minimal – Less is more”
Winner in the competition “Red 2017” from Gallery25N
Published on “Lost in Fabrics” July 11 2017
Published on “Compasses Magazine” n. 26 2017
Published on “Dodho Magazine” 2017
Finalist Fomenar Price 2017
3° price in ADG Photo Contest 2017 “Fragile” from AD Gallery
Published on “Photo Cult” n. 149 – March 2018
Finalist Cascella Price 2018
Finalist Marchionni Price 2018 – Red Passion
Honorable Mention Barcelona International Photography Awards BIPA 2018


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