Angela Keller

opera iscritta al BIANCOSCURO Art Contest Winter Edition - un progetto a cura di BIANCOSCURO Art Magazine - 2019

Heading to the Fiesta
Oil colour on linen
60×83 cm.

Angela Keller (Giminiano, Italy – 1949). Grew up in Switzerland and followed an eclectic career as palaeontologist, psychotherapist, and painter. She took lessons in drawing and painting at the School of Arts at the University in Bern. From 1999 to the present day, Angela has exhibited her works in numerous international art shows. Angela creates experimental, playful artwork with hints of dreams, fantasy, and charm. Her paintings fluctuate between surrealism and symbolism; they are dreamy, otherworldly, and lyrical in their balance between fantasy and reality. Angela’s paintings depict imaginative imagery while also incorporating certain realistic elements, such as the hills of Kabul, the coast of Portugal or the villages in Calabria, in Southern Italy, where Angela currently lives and works.

Instagram: @angelakellerartist


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opera iscritta al BIANCOSCURO Art Contest Winter Edition - un progetto a cura di BIANCOSCURO Art Magazine - 2019