Hello, my name is COVID-19, catch me if you can
mixed media
40,6 x 29,5 cm.
“Stay healthy – let’s not give COVID-19 a chance“
Ingrid Steckelberg (Breslau – Bassa Sassonia, Germania) draws her inspiration mostly from objects and landscapes. She is fascinated by the aesthetics of decay, such as rusting iron or the morbid beauty of rotting wood and crumbling walls. She views her paintings as metaphors, rearrangements and metamorphoses of reality. For some years she worked on different series about transformations from one state to another (political and social).
Ingrid Steckelberg was born in Breslau and lives and works as a freelance artist in Achim. Between 1993 and 2000 Steckelberg received her artistic education in en plein air painting. Along with painting she has engaged in photography. Since 2001 she is a member of the National Association of Artists as well as a member of the artists’ collective ‘ART99’. Her works have been exhibited nationally and internationally and belong to private and public collections. In 2014, Steckelberg received the Volksbank Cultural Prize.
WEB: www.ingrid-steckelberg.de

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