Leyla Aysel Munteanu

Christiano Painting
60×90 cm.
acrylic on canvas

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Leyla Aysel Munteanu (Windsor – Canada), was born In Hunedoara, Romania in 1967. She moved in Canada in 1998. As education she has B.Sc, BFA, B.Ed., and an MFA. She holds OCT certification I / S in Mathematics and Art. She works in many media but enjoys the mixed media the most. She has her work in private collections all over the world (Canada, USA, Italy, UK, Romania, France, Iran, and Australia) and she received awards for her work in many national and international competitions. Her work appears in many publications (USA, Italy, Portugal, and UK). She is member in numerous international and national art associations, galleries and academies. She participated in over 100 national and international art exhibitions. She teaches art in her studio and at Leamington Arts Centre from Leamington and Art Galia from Tecumseh. She held workshops at: Michael’s -Windsor, Elder College- Windsor, Windsor Arts Supplies, and she taught 3 years a Drawing course at Wayne State University. As artist, she is interested in expressing situations and feelings that we experience as human beings, using a wide range of traditional and non-traditional art materials.


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