Sarah Aller

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biancoscuro art contest - biancoscuro art magazine

Acrylic and transfer collage on board.

Sarah Aller (Como – Italy) Was born in New York City of the United States in 1979.
Raised in Brooklyn, New York she has always had a love of art and grew up performing on the off-Broadway stage and taking classes for young artists at Parsons School of Design and the New York University. She earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts  and graduated cum-laude from the reputable art department of State University of New York at Purchase in 2001. In 2011 she married and moved to Como, Italy where she currently lives and works.

Raised between Brooklyn and the rural countryside of Vermont where her extended family resides, Sarah has often found her inspiration from experiences between the two contrasting environments. Her work often reflects her affection for family, character, environment and the growth that comes from transition.

Sarah has been considered a “green” artist using recycled objects for a new purpose in her work, thus giving a new life to materials such as distressed, antique wood. Found materials offer their existing personality and paired with the imagery of her inspiration together they transition into a platform for storytelling.

Sarah invites us to explore her interests in life experience, human nature and performance through the assemblage of her variables. These include various image transfer techniques of her own drawings and photography as well as found imagery and materials.

In addition to working as an artist Sarah has assisted in set and costume design for film and performance as well as experience with puppetry. She has also been a teacher of art to children of all ages in both the United States and Europe.

Sarah is currently collaborating artist at Neuberg ArtSpace Hong Kong.

Sarah Aller, an assemblage artist, was born in New York City of the United States in 1979.
Raised between Brooklyn and the rural countryside of Vermont where her extended family resides, Sarah has often found her inspiration from experiences between the two contrasting environments. Sarah’s work often reflects her affection for family, character, environment and the growth born from transition.
Her assemblage method includes the application of various image transfer techniques and collage enhanced with mixed media.

Sarah Aller è nata a New York City negli Stati Uniti nel 1979.
Cresciuta tra Brooklyn e il paesaggio rurale del Vermont, dove risiede la sua famiglia allargata, Sarah ha spesso trovato la sua ispirazione da esperienze tra i due ambienti contrastanti. Il lavoro di Sarah riflette spesso il suo affetto per la famiglia, il carattere, l’ambiente e la crescita che viene da transizione.
Il suo metodo di assemblaggio comprende la applicazione di varie tecniche di trasferimento di immagini e collage, rafforzata con tecnica mista.

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