Galactical spring dance
acryl on canvas
60x30x30 cm.
Vincent Messelier (Flanders – Belgium) is born in Kortrijk (Belgium) on 1967. He started his first painting in May 2006. He is a completely self-taught, artist who is very passionate about his art . Vincent paints from his heart and soul with some jazzy music on the background. Depending on the moment or his mood, some other music can inspire his work.
In March 2011 he decided to sell his credit management office, he had started up in 1992 and chose to live his real passion… Art.
In November 2011 he became member of ‘Dubai art centre International’ where he exhibited his works and also kept his own art studio. In April that year he exhibited in New York City, Barcelona and Bari. Later followed Den Haag, Amsterdam, Brussels, Rome, Palermo, Spoleto, Stuttgart, Paris, Copenhagen, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Miami, Monaco, Cannes, Las Vegas, Venice and also invited for many more like London, Toronto, Casablanca, Lissabon, Istanbul, Los Angeles, Berlin, Bejing, Shanghai… and is also mentionend in several artbooks for museums and art collectors and artmagazines. He also won several (more than 70) international art awards in America, Italy and France and Denmark.
He has developed his own kind of style: “meridianism”.
He works with pallet knives and you always can recognize vertical and horizontal stripes and lines that are corrections of the chaos he sometimes put on the canvas. They are referring to the meridians of the Globe. Acryl is his medium and sometimes he combines with pieces of wood, foam or other materials.
He also started a second line for hospitality and business. A concept where he takes pictures of his own works where he combines pictures (that he took himself) of several themes, like horses, historical buildings, birds, cars, sports, eagles… These works are mostly projected on an original painting or at least details. Messelier is working also together with other artists and photographer because he is awared that art in the future and working together with the same passionated collegues is an incredible synergy and magnificent.He works also on customer demand.
He won several international awards and appeared in several artbooks worldwide that recognizes him in the artworld as contemporary master.
Vincent Messelier is a very professional artist who like to work for his clients on customer demand, giving advice and comunnicate with the executive procurators, designers and owners. Art is his second skin and his passion reaches highest level. He received titles as contemporary master, chevalier-accadémicien and officer-ambassador for Belgium from de Mondial Art Academia in France.
Have a look at his website www.vincentmesselier.com at his several projects, like Tomès, a joint venture with Tomas De Bruyne, a worldwide known floral artist where he combines his art with the flowerconstructions of Tomas to a unique neverseen combination. Further he is working on chocolate with art and chocolate boxes, clothingline, Scarves, Shoes, Ceramic Plates (for food).
He also bottled his own beer and is working on a Gin, wine, champagne and cava and made several covers for books. Since september 2018 he is owner of his Gallery www.art-home.gallery where he gathers artists (also musicians) to create his statement of the gallery ‘A divine experience of artistic vibes’.
WEB: www.vincentmesselier.com
Facebook: /vincent.messelier
Instagram: @messelier

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